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Step by step guide to stage-2 of the ISB-YLP

Are you among the elite few undergraduates who have managed to impress the admissions council of the Indian School of Business, more commonly referred to as the ISB?

Congratulations on clearing the first barrier! If you have managed to make the admissions team to sit up and take notice of your profile- a 90 second video and an essay- just imagine the impression you can create with phase-2 of the selection process!

Do I hear some groans? We, at CrackVerbal, believe in making life easier for applicants and so, here is a quick list of all the things you should be doing to gear up for ISB YLP stage-2!

First up, you’ll need to know WHAT EXACTLY level-2 of the ISB YLP selection process entails! We have compiled a possible list of questions that might be playing on an applicant’s mind.

Q: I have been shortlisted for the Stage-2 of the selection process by ISB for the YLP program. So, what happens next?

A: Congratulations once again, on being shortlisted. What lies ahead of you is another frontier to conquer. The official website states that for stage-2, an applicant needs to submit

GMAT score
Three essays
Two evaluations.

Q: You mean I have to take the GMAT? What is the GMAT?

A: Yes, you do. And you have to take it fast- the deadline for submitting your application for stage-2 is August 7th 2012. This means you need to act fast and book an appointment to take the GMAT asap!

Q: I have to “book” an appointment to take the exam? How do I do this?

A: Don’t you worry, for any queries that you might have regarding booking a date to take the GMAT, read our article which contains a step by step guide to book an appointment for the GMAT. Click here.

Q: Ok, so I can book the appointment now, but, the GMAT is another exam right? What is the GMAT all about?

A: Yes, it is yet another exam. However, it is unlikely that the GMAT is like any other exam you might have had the opportunity to take before! To know about the details of the exam, click here.

Q: So now I know all about the exams, but, preparing for such an exam is a different ball game altogether, right? Phew, I am just exhausted thinking about it!

A: Don’t be! Again, we have it simplified for you. Preparing for the GMAT is certainly a different ball game, but, we at CrackVerbal have a few time-tested tricks up our sleeve! To know more about the preparation strategy that we recommend for the GMAT, click here.

Q: Alright, so what about material? Where do I go and what do I buy?

A: WAIT! Before you resort to buying (or downloading, as the case may be J ), do take a minute to read what the experts say on the best books for the GMAT!

Q: I guess I got many doubts regarding the GMAT clarified, but, what about evaluations? Whom do I get them from?

A: The admissions committee themselves have said the following, regarding evaluations

Two evaluations from faculty or people who know about your achievements”

Q: I still have one problem- ESSAYS! I would love to get some feedback on the essays I have written! Do you have any suggestions on that front?

A: Of course, we do! Check out our blog on a detailed Essay Analysis of the ISB YLP essay prompts.

Want to know more about ISB? Click here to know more!

Wondering if you can make it to the ISB? Let us help you!