9 Tips for Taking GMAT Practice Tests (Must Know!)

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“If you don’t know where you are, then you can’t get to where you want to go.”   Simulation exams a.k.a Practice tests are one of the most important elements for your GMAT preparation plan.   Every practice test you take brings you one step closer to getting a similar question right on the actual […]


A Guide to Integrated Reasoning

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In this article, let’s discuss about the GMAT Integrated Reasoning in detail, Before getting into details of number of questions, question types etc. Let’s understand the GMAT Integrated reasoning. I am pretty much sure below three questions would be going on your mind, before starting the preparation for GMAT Integrated Reasoning, How important is GMAT […]


Identifying GMAT Patterns

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GMAT pattern

Let us first understand the GMAT before we delve deeper into the topic of “patterns”. We believe that the reader must first understand what the GMAT is. GMAT is a standardized test. Think about it – within 78 questions (many of which are experimental so the actual number of questions are fewer) the GMAT can […]


7 Deadly Mistakes GMAT Test-takers Make

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Here are some things we’ve heard GMAT test takers say time and again: “I score well in practice sessions but I don’t know what happens in the test.” “I lost track of time during the test.” “I ran out of time and had to guess towards the end of the test.” “I just couldn’t focus […]


The 3 Mistakes Indian Aspirants Make on the GMAT

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  This week’s edition of Wednesday Wisdoms talks about the 3 classic GMAT mistakes Indian aspirants make, & how to modify your test prep techniques for a higher score.   Over the last couple of years, I have been teaching students both in India, and I have also had students who have come in from […]


Top 4 mistakes Test-takers commit on the GMAT

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GRE Quant Stress

Over the last decade I have spent countless hours with thousands of students, helping them understand why their scores were not going up. I have come to the conclusion that the root of all lies in the same four basic problems in our approach to test-taking. 1. Brute Force Approach: If your scores are not […]