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Excavations of the Roman city of Sepphoris have uncovered numerous detailed mosaics depicting several readily identifiable animal species: a hare, a partridge, and various Mediterranean fish. Oddly, most of the species represented did not live in the Sepphoris region when these mosaics were created. Since identical motifs appear in mosaics found in other Roman cities, however, the mosaics of Sepphoris were very likely created by traveling artisans from some other part of the Roman Empire.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
Option A:
The Sepphoris mosaics are not composed exclusively of types of stones found naturally in the Sepphoris area
Option B:
There is no single region to which all the species depicted in the Sepphoris mosaics are native
Option C:
No motifs appear in the Sepphoris mosaics that do not also appear in the mosaics of some other Roman city
Option D:
All of the animal figures in the Sepphoris mosaics are readily identifiable as representation of known species
Option E:
There was not a common repertory of mosaic designs with which artisans who lived in various parts of the Roman empire were familiar
Difficulty Level
Option E is the correct answer.
Option Analysis
Question type: Find the assumption.
Summary of the argument: Since the designs found in the Sepphoris region were also found in other areas, the argument goes onto assume that the traveler designers were the ones who created them.
A) Stones are not the matter of concern here.
B) The concern is about the design found on the mosaic. Not the native of the stones.
C) This weakens the conclusion.
D) This doesn’t suffice the argument’s assumptions to say that the travelers were the one who made the design.
E) Correct Answer
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